Cybersecurity Training Courses

CyberGnan is an organization catering to the Cyber Security Professionals, Students & Cybersecurity Organizations (Product & SI’s), to bring them into one Umbrella to address skillful resource gaps in the industry.

CyberGnan has custom-designed below training programs, bearing in mind the various cybersecurity skills gaps in the industry. The courses are carefully designed by having a dialogue with multiple industry CISO’s across the globe. We have identified niche courses at an individual and organizational level to take up various domain-specific training programs.

The programs are custom designed in such a way that 70% is practical, and 30% alone is theory. We also provide real-time Auditing, SOC Analysis & Tool Implementation exposure, by collaborating with various Cybersecurity Services companies such as SiriNiti, etc, which would be helpful for individuals getting into reputed job roles with excellent remuneration.